Essex Private GP
Same day GP appointments available
Essex Private GP
Same day GP appointments available
57 Crown Street, Brentwood, CM14 4BD
Prefer to ring us to book an appointment?
Call 01277 201001
Monday 8 am–5 pm
Tuesday 8 am–7 pm
Wednesday 8 am–5 pm
Thursday 8 am–5 pm
Friday 8 am–2 pm
Saturday 8 am–12 pm
Sunday Closed
Same-day GP appointments available.
Unable to find an appointment online?
Don’t hesitate to call us.
For all other enquiries,
please complete the form below.
Monday 8 am–5 pm
Tuesday 8 am–7 pm
Wednesday 8 am–5 pm
Thursday 8 am–5 pm
Friday 8 am–2 pm
Saturday 8 am–12 pm
Sunday Closed
Same-day GP appointments available.
Unable to find an appointment online?
Don’t hesitate to call us.
For all other enquiries,
please complete the form below.
We are also able to provide home visits. Call us to discuss your needs.
Christmas Opening Hours 🎄
Mon 23rd Dec: 0800-1700
Tues 24th Dec: 0800-1600
Wed 25th Dec: CLOSED
Thurs 26th Dec: CLOSED
Fri 27th Dec: 0800-1400
Sat 28th Dec: 0800-1200
Sun 29th Dec: CLOSED
Mon 30th Dec: 0800-1700
Tues 31st Dec: 0800-1600
Wed 1st Jan: CLOSED
Normal opening hours from Tues 2nd Jan 2025
What kind of appointment would you like?
Help with something else? – CALL US or fill out the form below: